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Product Details:          NMIS University  HRM16206 SOLVED PAPERS AND GUESS

Format:                        BOOK

Pub. Date:                    NEW EDITION APPLICABLE FOR Current EXAM

Publisher:                   MEHTA SOLUTIONS

Edition Description2016





  If you find yourself getting fed up and frustrated with other ptu book solutions now mehta solutions brings top solutions for ptu. this HRM16206 contains previous year important solved papers plus faculty important questions and answers specially for ptu .questions and answers are specially design specially for NMIS students .


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1Personnel  Management  :  Introduction  to  Personnel  Management,  Meaning  of  Personnel Management,  Definition  of  Personnel  Management,  Characteristics  of  Personnel Management,  Scope  of  Personnel  Management,  Objectives  of  Personnel  Management, Approaches  of  Personnel  Management,  Role  or  Function  of  Personnel  Management,Significance of Personnel Management, Place of Personnel Manager, Need for a Separate Department,  Managing  Personnel  as  Human  Resource,  Essential  of  Personnel  in  Human Resource  Management,  Need  for  HRM  Approach,  Human  Resource  Management  Vs Human Resource Development, Functions of Human Resource Management, Limitations of Human Resource Management, Significance of Human Resource Management (HRM), The Future of Human Resource Management, Personnel Management in India.

2 Personnel  Policy:  Introduction  to  Personnel  Policy,  Definition  of  Personnel  Policy, Characteristics  of  a  Good  Personnel  Policy,  Components  of  Personnel  Policy,  Need  of Personnel  Policies,  Objectives  of  Personnel  Policies,  Principles  of  Personnel  Policy, Personnel  Policies,  Types  of  Personnel  Policy,  Advantages  of  Personnel  Policies, Disadvantages  of  Personnel  Policies,  Personnel  Records,  Personnel  Audit  or  HR  Audit, Purpose  of  HR  Audit,  Personnel  Research,  Types  of  Personnel  Research,  Functions  of Personnel  Research,  Personnel  Research  Procedure,  Importance  of  Personnel  Research, Characteristics  and  Scope  of  Personnel  Research,  Basic  Considerations  for  Personnel Evaluations.

3Human  Resource  Planning:    Introduction  to  Human  Resource  Planning,  Meaning  of Human  Resource  Planning,  Features  of  Human  Resource  Planning,  Objectives  of  Human Resource  Planning,  Factors  affecting  Human  Resource  Planning,  Importance  of  Human Resource  Planning,  Steps  in  Human  Resource  Planning,  Need  for  Human  Resource Planning,  HR  Planning  Process,  Problems  or  Limitations  in  Human  Resource  Planning, Manpower  Plan  Component  /  Elements  or  Components  of  Human  Resource  Planning, Career  and  Succession  Planning,  Objectives  of  Career  Planning,  Elements  of  Career Planning Programs,  Career Planning  –  The Competency Band Approach, Career Planning Techniques,  Process  of  Career  Planning  and  Development,  Steps  Involved  in  Career Development  System,  Advantages  of  Career  Planning,  Limitations  of  Career  Planning, Essentials  of  Effective  Career  Planning,  Classification  of  Career,  Succession  Planning,Objectives  of  Succession  Planning,  Develop  Employees  for  Succession  Planning,  The succession Planning Process.

4Job Analysis:  Introduction  to Job Analysis, Scope of Job Analysis,  Techniques or Methods of  Collecting  Job  Analysis  Data,  Uses  of  Job  Analysis,  Process  of  Job  Analysis, Components  of  Job  Analysis,  Importance  of  Job  Analysis,  Job  Description,  Job Specification, Management by Objectives, Nature of Management by Objectives, Process of MBO, Benefits of MBO, Recruitment, Sources of Recruitment or Methods of Recruitment, Alternatives to  Recruitment,  Alternatives to Recruitment,  Factors in a  Recruitment Policy, Prerequisites  of  a  Good  Recruitment  Policy,  Selection,  Difference  between  Selection  and Recruitment, Recruitment Practices in India, Socialization, Orientation or Induction, Human

Resource  Information  System,  Why  Computerise  Personnel  Records  and  Information Systems? Valuation of Human Resources.

5 Concept  of  Training  &  Development:  Introduction  to  Concept  of  Training  and

Development,  Meaning  of  Training,  Features  of  Training,  Objectives  of  Training,

Importance of Training,  Employee Training Needs Assessment, Factors Indicating Training Needs,  Types  of  Training,  Stakeholders  in  Training,  Development,  Discussion  Training Method,  Lecture  Training  Method,  Demonstration  Training  Method,  Discussion  Training Method,  Intelligent  Tutorial  System  (ITS),  Programmed  Instruction  (PI),  Games  and Simulations, Role  Play Training Method,  Equipment Simulators,  In Basket Technique,  TGroup  Training/?Sensitivity  Training,  Transactional  Analysis,  Evaluation  of  Training, Executive  Development/Human  Resource  Development,  Executive  Development/Human Resource Development Practices in Indian Industries - Trends.

6Performance Appraisal:  Introduction  to Performance Appraisal, Features of Performance Appraisal, Objectives of Performance Appraisal, Process of Performance Appraisal, Types of  Appraisal  Methods,  Methods  of  Performance  Appraisal,  Use  of  Appraisal  Data, Requirements of a Good Appraisal System, Advantages of Performance Appraisal, Pitfalls of Performance Appraisal, Constraints of Performance Appraisal.

7Wage  Determination:  Introduction  to  Wage  Determination,  Meaning  of  Wages,

Determinants  of  Wages,  Managing  Wages,  Wages  and  Salary  Administration,  Agencies Administering  Wages  and  Salaries,  Principles  of  Wages  and  Salary  Administration,  State Regulations of Wages, Managing Employee Benefits in Organization,  Theories of Wages, Economic  Theories  about  Wages,  Subsistence  Theory  of  Wages,  Wage  Payment  System, Time  Rate  System  of  Wage  Payment,  Piece  Rate  System,  Difference  between Time  Rate System and Piece Rate System, Meaning of Wage Structure, Types of Wage Differentials, Rewards and Incentives for Employees, Financial Methods of Motivation, Demonstration of Fringe  Benefits,  Retirement  Plans,  Types  of  Retirement  Plans,  Self  Employed  Retirement Plan.


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