BLIS-06: Information Services
Coverage: Course Code: BLIS-06
Course: Information Services Assignment Code: AST/TMA/Jul.2014-Jan.2015
Units: 1-8 Total Marks: 100
Answer all questions.
1.1 Define information. Discuss how information is generated.
1.2 What do you understand by the value added information services? Explain how value
addition to information services is done.
2.1 What are the different user approaches towards information? Discuss how the current
awareness needs of users can be fulfilled.
2.2 Discuss the components and functional phases of a SDI system. 20
What do you understand by literature search service? Discuss its need and the steps involved in providing such a service.
3.1 What do you understand by literature search service? Discuss its need and the steps involved in providing such a service.
3.2 Define document delivery service. Discuss its recent trends.
4.1 What are the functions of a documentation and information centre? Discuss the
factors you would keep in mind while planning such a centre.
4.2 Discuss the growth and development of documentation centres in India.
5. Write short notes on any two
a) Information generation process
b) Information source vs. resource
c) Value of information services
d) Methods for assessing information needs