BLIS-04: Library Cataloguing Theory
Coverage: Course Code: BLIS-04
Course: Library Cataloguing Theory Assignment Code: AST/TMA/Jul.2014-Jan.2015
Units: 1- 18 Total Marks: 100
Answer all questions.
1.1 Discuss the implications of Five Laws of Library Science for library catalogue.
Highlight the relationship of cataloguing with classification.
1.2 Enumerate different inner forms of library catalogue. Make a comparative study of
the dictionary and classified catalogue.
2.1 What is a subject catalogue? Discuss different approaches to subject cataloguing.
2.2 List the areas of bibliographical description of an entry according to AACR -2R and
mention the functions of each area.
3.1 Discuss the rules for cataloguing pseudonymous works in AACR-2R with examples.
3.2 What do you understand by centralized cataloguing? Discuss its various forms. 20
4.1 Enumerate different types of non-print media as listed in AACR -2R. Discuss the main problems faced in cataloguing non-print media.
4.2 What is an indexing system? Differentiate between pre and post-coordinate indexing
5.0 Write short notes on any two of the following:
a) Unit card system
b) ALA filing rules
c) Analytical entries
d) Vocabulary control