Course Code : AOM-01
Course Title : Office Organisation and Management Assignment
Code : AOM-01/TMA/2016-17
Coverage : All Blocks
Maximum Marks : 100
Attempt all questions.
1. Forms control has been referred to “one of the essential tools of office management”. What do you understand by forms control? State how will you initiate a system of forms control in an organization with which you are familiar and enumerate the benefits you would expect from it?
2. Explain the significance of internal office communication. Mention the types of internal communication found in a modern office.
3. Bring out clearly the functions of an office manager. What in your opinion, should be the essential qualifications of an office manager?
4. Write short notes on the folowing:
i) Handling of Stationery in Stores
ii) Communication Machines
iii) Filing Methods iv) Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)
5. Distinguish between the following:
i) E-Commerce and M-Commerce
ii) Email and Mail
iii) Hardware and Software
iv) Management & Administration